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Fertility & Pregnancy Guidance

Any step in the process of bringing a new life to this planet can be overwhelming, scary, and even traumatic without the right support system.


If you are struggling with fertility or issues on either a physical or emotional level, EPT can help remove the blockages trapping you in fear or pain. Additionally, if you are grieving the loss of a child through abortion or miscarriage, I can help you healthily cope with that pain.


Through non-invasive techniques guided by a well-developed emotional peg chart and decision tree format, I will help you process what you are experiencing. Together, we will promote healthy flow within your body to bring new life to the world!


Fertility Issue Causes that EPT Can Help With: 


  • Sexual Abuse

  • Traumatic Birth Experience

  • Childhood Trauma / PTSD

  • Physical & Emotional Abuse

  • Severe Stress

  • Anxiety & Fear of Parenthood

  • Immense Pressure to Have Children

  • Hormonal Imbalances

Pregnancy Concerns that EPT Can Help With: 

  • Expecting/ New Parent Anxiety

  • Postpartum Depression

  • Fatigue & Emotional Stress

  • Inadequate Support System


We will begin our session with a collaborative discussion to pinpoint your goals for your health and state-of-being. Once we have established what aspect of your past, present, or future to work on, we will use deep breathing & grounding techniques preparing us for optimal wellness session.



At this point during our session, we will balance the body's response to trauma and the emotional imbalance with magnets. Our telehealth clients can purchase their own magnets or simply place the palm or back side of their hands over the specified energy centers of the body.



At this point during our session, we will balance the body's response to trauma with therapeutic magnetizing techniques. Our telehealth clients can purchase their own magnets from Jolisa Clare Holistic or simply place the palm or back side of their hands over the specified points.



Forgiveness is the fastest way to resolve any conflict.  Speaking words out loud rather than just thinking them greatly increases their impact. One's own voice has healing effects due to resonant frequencies in the body. You will be guided through a series of tailored for you forgiveness statements, healing affirmations, and breathwork. 

You will leave Jolisa Clare Holistic feeling lighter, vibrant, and one step closer to your most authentic self. Heal your trauma today.

Find Fulfillment with Jolisa Clare

Becoming a parent is one of the most challenging tasks a human can face. Work with Jolisa Clare to help yourself navigate the process.

Jolisa Clare Holistic


Elevate Office Suites

Arbuckle Comns, Suite 

Brownsburg, In 46112

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